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MARLINS TEST FRB BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
MARLINS TEST FRB BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment. The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978 sets minimum qualification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on sea going merchant ships and large yachts( PST,FPFF,EFA,PSSR) #Helicopter Underwater Escape Training in most other countries, (often abbreviated HUET, pronounced hue-wet, hue-way or you-way) is training provided to helicopter flight crews, offshore oil and gas industry staff law enforcement personnel, and military. Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipment's. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in Delhi. We offer all types of courses related to offshore Industry. Courses1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager) 2. BS(Barge Supervisor / Barge Master) 3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability) 4. MS ( Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic) 5. OPIT OIMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training) 6. #Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3 7. #HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer) 8.# HDA ( Helideck Assistant) 9. #BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training) 10. #HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) 11. #H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course) 12. #FRC #FRB (Fast Rescue Boat / Craft) And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC& COC Assistance Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET,#HUET FOET#,H2S #HLO #FRC now in India. Email- weoffshore@gmail.comMob-8750141747
Amlabad, Jharkhand15 days
Herbal Treatment for Hemorrhoids and Bleeding Piles
Herbal Treatment for Hemorrhoids and Bleeding PilesPiles can be bleeding and non-bleeding. Both these conditions are frustrating and debilitating and need proper treatment. In popular method of treatment only surgical measures are suggested to the patient. Symptoms of piles can get relieved or flare-up again and again. Even after surgical removal the lesions can grow again. Herbal remedies for piles handle the root causes of the problem and provide long-lasting relief. Pilepsole herbal capsule for bleeding piles provides long-lasting relief from pain and bleeding. The pain and bleeding can get relieved on their own and flare-up again. When problem aggravates the bleeding becomes excessive and person needs surgeries to gain relief. Pilepsole suppress the problem for long term and prevent its flares to minimize chances of surgeries. Pilepsole for bleeding piles works for person of any age. People suffering with chronic constipation, leading sedentary lifestyle, involved in sitting jobs or taking regular medication are commonly found victims of piles. Here we provide the best hemorrhoids Pilepsole capsule in India which works for people of all ages and provide safe and quick relief. The supplements available for treating piles are beneficial in many other ways. Pilepsole capsules improve and protect health from digestive problems responsible for causing problems like piles and others. Multiple benefits and fast and long-term treatment for piles make these the best hemorrhoids treatment in India. Pilepsole is the best natural medicine for piles in India available. This natural treatment is a result of extensive research of Hashmi Healthcare, a trusted name in India, in the field of Unani, for several decades. Pilepsole is a reliable and natural medicine for piles. Don’t wait any longer, make your decision now – order Pilepsole capsule and live a pile free life. For further details on Pilepsole contact us at +91-9058577992 or email us at
Amroha, Uttar Pradesh50 days
HLO HDA FRB Fast Rescue Craft Boat Course COXSWAIN & BOATMAN DELHIFRB (Fast Rescue Craft / Boat ) Course COXSWAIN & BOATMAN Ocean Offshore Marine India Purpose Fast Rescue Craft / Boat course is designed as per IMO guidelines. It is to train personnel to operate FRC/FRB, which is mandatory for deployment in offshore field as per IOGP and on RO-RO passenger vessels as per IMO. Rig Contingency Plans will describe the actions, relevant for the type of vessel and equipment used, to take in the event of a calamity on board a vessel. One of the topics covered is the emergency procedure/ plan of rescue and treatment of casualties, including the use of FRB’s. The emergency procedure will describe initial actions to take by the Master, FRB coxswain and crew before, during and after launching a FRB. Another topic will be the rescue, treatment of and transfer to safety of casualties after recovery. Crew needs to be trained accordingly and the procedure/plan will be revised when there are changes in legislation or best practices. Target Audience Fast Rescue Craft Marine crew working in offshore fields and those taking up jobs on RO-RO passenger ferry. This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment. Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry. Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET, #HUET #FOET, H2S #HLO #FRC #PSCRB, HFF, #HDFF #STCW 2010 Etc. #Now In India. Email- Oceanoffshore@pacific-ocean. com weoffshore@gmail. com Mob-8750141747
Ahmedabad, Gujarat14 days

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